April FOCUS Friday: JOIN Overview, WebFOCUS Designer Reports: A Beginner's Guide and Leverage MVS and USS

April 18, 2025 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT

Spring has sprung and with it comes a fresh wave of inspiration! We're inviting you to blossom with new knowledge and connections at this month's FOCUS Friday. Walter and Renee will be covering: 

JOIN Overview

What do you need to know when JOINing various files together? What kind of files can you JOIN? Is there a difference between a relational JOIN and a FOCUS join? All of these topics will be covered in this month's session at a high level overview. 

WebFOCUS Designer Reports: A Beginner's Guide

Are you new to WebFOCUS Designer and want to learn how to create reports? Join us for a beginner-friendly demonstration that will start by showing you how to build a report from the ground up. We'll cover essential topics like sorting, page headings, and footings, column row totals, breaks, and subtotals. By the end of this session, you'll be able to create reports that communicate information clearly and effectively. Whether you're new to WebFOCUS Designer or just want to brush up on your WebFOCUS Designer reporting skills, this session will elevate your data storytelling capabilities. 

Leverage MVS and USS 

FOCUS runs under TSO in MVS. If your company's installation supports/allows it there is also a Unix Systems Services (USS) environment. Did you know you can allocate files in MVS/TSO FOCUS that will be created directly in the USS filesystem? This session will show the various ways to integrate the two environments. 

Join us for this perfect opportunity to nurture your professional growth this season. 


Walter Brengel
Principal Support Engineer
Cloud Software Group


Renee Teatro
Lead Support Engineer
Cloud Software Group