Demo gallery

Demo video as part of our ibi Open Data Hub for Mainframe launch. It shows the software in action using popular third party BI tools to access Mainframe data in real-time.

ibi WebFOCUS 9.2 Demo video: What's New in Designer. In this video we take you through how to use the Designer function in WebFOCUS 9.2. Includes complex filter expressions, additional output settings (Freeze headers, CSVs), more visualization types and flexibility in the interactions feature.

ibi WebFOCUS 9.2 Demo video: DSML Explainability. In this video we take you through how to use the DSML Explainability function in WebFOCUS 9.2.

ibi WebFOCUS 9.2 Demo video: White labeling. In this video we take you through how to use the White Labeling function to customize WebFOCUS just the way you want it.

WebFOCUS 9.1 Demo video: Generating Insights from YOUR Data in WebFOCUS Designer. In this video we take you through how to generate great insights in WebFOCUS Designer.

Demo video as part of our ibi WebFOCUS 9.1 launch showing Document Mode functionality in WebFOCUS Designer in action.

Demo video as part of our ibi WebFOCUS 9.1 launch showing Geospatial functionality in action.

Demo video as part of our ibi WebFOCUS 9.1 launch showing our interactions functionality in WebFOCUS Designer in action.

Demo video as part of our ibi WebFOCUS 9.1 launch showing new natural language query functionality in action.